Superior Electronic Cigars Have Arrived
Sophistication has reached a new high as the electric cigar emerges on the market, more cigar aficionados are switching to this new way to enjoy electronic cigar without the ash, smoke, or leftover stink!
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The vapor e cigar is winning over smokers
When was the last time you finished an entire cigar? The reality is that most of us only take about 10 drags and then toss the poor thing. What a waste!
How does an electric cigar’s vapor taste in comparison?
The electronic cigar featured here tastes just like a Cuban or Havana cigar in the Corona style (hence, the Cuvana e cigar is born) and has more flavor, though is the smoke itself as is now replaced by a flavored vapor and the taste of the tobacco leaf on your lips.
Just look around the web and you will see that vaping has become more enjoyable than smoking with long-time smokers and newbies alike. It does more than mimic a real smoking experience, it is even better with more flavor and satisfaction and has taken on an individuality all its own.
No matter if you are an occasional premium cigar smoker or just puff on one now and then, the pleasure of just sitting back and taking in the flavor and the scent from an electronic cigar is very enjoyable either by yourself or with the gang.
A lot of first-timers miss out on the full enjoyment of cigars, so one should learn how to smoke a cigar to know how to use it and enjoy its full effect.
Just holding the cigar between your fingers gives you a feeling of power, perhaps the action movies of the present and yesterday may have some influence on that reaction, but still, it makes a person feel more at ease and sharpens their wits.
Studies have shown that the younger male demographic is becoming more popular with the pleasure of smoking cigars and prefer the ecigar over the real thing for many reasons each to their own.
Smoking a cigar is a status symbol of being a smarter and sophisticated person in today’s society. Plus sitting around and bonding with friends and colleagues has been a past time of centuries regarding cigars and fine spirits, just look at the top 100 cigar smokers of the century and all the powerhouse folks who enjoy smoking the cigar.
The young adult man of today is dialed into this era and has embraced it fully spanning all the ethnic and social classes. No matter, all is welcome.
Did you know that most cigar smokers are not cigarette smokers? Yup, that’s true. You are either one or the other.
The only thing is that these younger enthusiasts are not enjoying the whole cigar, just 1-15 puffs at most. As you may know, a cigar can go stale pretty quickly, so saving it for later is not an option. You need to treat a real stogy like a living organism, as soon as it is out the humidor or wrapper, it begins to die.
Why real cigars stink!
With real cigars there are even more drawbacks, the main one being the awful stench it leaves behind as it seeps into the furniture and in a car’s interior parts. I know you may have stepped into a friend’s or family member’s car and choked on the pungent cocktail of stale smoke, or perhaps someone has complained to you about this problem as well. It goes hand in hand.
The strong and overpowering smell of smoke from a cigarette or cigar leaves behind is rather nasty and hard to get rid of. No matter how much air freshener you use it only masks the odor and lasts for a short time, and most of the time it mixes with it and makes a worse smell! Smelly smokey roses anyone?
To find out on how to get rid of the smoke smell from your furniture, just search the web as there are many unique ways, furthermore, learn more on how to clean your car of that smoke smell and just follow the steps. If your entire house or apartment has the smell of smoke just about everywhere, learn of ways to get rid of it for good.
There is nothing more embarrassing than having company over and watching their faces grimace at the foul odor from your previous smoking activities. Some may even take it as an invitation to light up and create a smoke screen of their own. So if the “stink” concerns you, make sure you take care of it properly so there are no more arguments at home. Speaking from experience of course… Cigar smoke is more potent than cigarette smoke as it is more concentrated in some cases and just gets into everything around the house or the car!
If you are new to smoking specifically cigar smoking there are some health risks you need to be aware of. The people around you may be at risk, your spouse, children, etc. As are side effects to cigar smoking that any newcomer needs to know.
If you are wondering what ecigarettes are and how they may affect your health, then learn more and find out how it works, as the ecigars work in the same technical manner.
What Doctors say about these types of electronic cigar vaping devices
When it comes to an e-cigarette or electronic cigar the medical community has mixed views for a variety of reasons (political, money, etc) so here are a few tidbits to become aware of.
Different countries have different opinions on ecigs and ecigars. The French Parliament (EU) gives the go-ahead for France to ban disposable vapes (including electronic cigars), while the United States smoking and tobacco use committees are taking their sweet time on deciding IF they are going to let the FDA regulate electronic vapor devices as tobacco products. So, we will just have to wait and see.
Doctors in the medical community indeed think e-cigarettes could save lives as demonstrated at a recent conference in London. Many delegates and participants were “vaping” during the entire session!
The very popular electronic cigar (shown in the video above). The flavor is Cuban & Havana mixed and the nicotine fog is thick, looks and feels like a real cigar… it can almost fool you into thinking it’s real.
As an occasional cigar smoker, I found myself to be just like everyone else. Pay $60 or more for premium cigars to only waste most of it, I mean those things are BIG and can only handle a few puffs at a time, besides the smell of the smoke gets old after a while. Plus my lady would complain about how I smelled of an ashtray of a burnt-down house (her words), that smell stuck on me like glue! In the clothes, hair, you name it.
When I saw that an electronic cigar was available, I had to try it. The electric havana cigar is pretty darn sweet! I can puff on it for as long as I want and put it away for when I am ready to enjoy it again. With a 2-year shelf-like and staggering 1,800 puff capacity, I felt better knowing a great cigar was not going to waste anymore.
The disposable electronic cigar taste just like the real damn thing! In my opinion, I think it tastes even better because there is no smoke to cloud the true flavor. The vapor still has that heavy and thick feel to it and the scent it leaves behind is nice and does not stick to my clothes or the couch.
The tip does not get all soggy like a real one either. Since I am a known “biter”, my teeth do not mangle it in any way. As for the pencils in my office, well, they still get mauled. Just about all my friends I show this thing to, they want to toke on it, I say go get your own! SO they did. Now we all sit around on a Sunday afternoon just shooting the breeze and taking in the events of the week while enjoying these electronic cigar thingies.
The best thing is I can take my drags on it indoors without upsetting my lady and puff on it while in the car so I can look like the true Boss that I am cruising the town 😉
Side effects of electronic cigar smoking
Are there any side effects to smoking, er, or vaping on an electronic cigar? Sure, the main thing you need to be aware of is the nicotine content, most come at 18mg (or 1.8%) proof which is equal to a “full” or “bold” cigarette while you can still opt for 0% nicotine. Even though you are not supposed to inhale on the cigar (just proper etiquette), you can still absorb the nicotine – so be mindful of that.
And since the electronic cigar is built on the same technology as e-cigarettes they perform just like a disposable ecig. Having said that you need to pay attention to how many puffs you are taking as you do not want to overdo it and give yourself a nicotine overdose (feeling light-headed, dizzy, etc). Disclaimer: we are not giving medical advice, just pointing out a few things I am aware of myself and info derived from various trusted websites regarding this matter and suggest you do your research as well.
- If you feel any of the symptoms above, STOP at once! Your watching the game with your friends and time fly’s by… you’ll get used to it but take note of your puff count when you begin vaping an electric cigar the first few times.
Of course, there are other electric cigar brands on the market and most can be found online or even at your local gas station. The Swisher cigar company has their line of e-swishers which I tried once. They are OK, a bit light on flavor for me though. It’s a matter of opinion on who has the best cigars in either world (tobacco vs electronic).
Here are a few other electronic cigar brands you may want to review:
- Smoketip electronic cigar: $49.99
- LogicSmoke disposable electronic cigar: $21.95
- Epuffer E-CIGAR 900 RECHARGEABLE KIT: $69.95
Most companies offer the disposable type of electronic cigar (500 – 2,000 puff capacities) and a few have the rechargeable kind where you may recharge the battery and purchase new flavor cartridges once they run out. But for the most part, cigar smokers prefer the disposable out of sheer convenience. Besides, it lasts a very long time so a person does not have to worry about the battery depleting or the cartridges going dry.
Each of these companies has its version of the electronic cigar and varies in price and quality. However, I know for a fact that the Cuvana is an awesome product and can 100% vouch for it. The company is eager to please and wants your business (they sell a complete line of electronic cigarette starter kits as well). Easy to order on their website and shipping is lightning fast! Plus I had a question and the customer support answered the phone without any hold time, when was the last time you experienced that? Very courteous, to me that matters a lot.
The majority of folks who smoke cigars are busy and do not want to fuss with interchangeable batteries or cartridges. Just pick it up the electronic cigar and vape on it, easy and simple, it’s time to relax… After a hard day at work or dealing with family drama, all a person wants to do is kick back and light one up. It’s relaxing and a great time to think about the events of the day and do some forward thinking or just not think at all. So it depends on what type of person you are, do you mind fussing with separate batteries and cartimizers or just want to grab an electronic cigar and stogie it out?
The electric vapor electronic cigar is high-quality enjoyment
If you like cigars but don’t like the smoke or smell that comes with them, then it’s time to try the best electronic cigar which has great flavor and vapor, it’s as close to the real thing as you can get.
For about $30 you get 1,800 puffs worth of pure enjoyment. No more throwing away a stale, wet, chewed-up cigar. Order the “10 pack” or “20 pack”and give a electronic cigar out to your best buds or host an event as it’s a great gimmick that will be a lot of fun. 🙂