Avoiding An Electronic Cigarette Nicotine Overdose

This is something I needs to be pointed out as I myself and several people have told me is that you need to pay attention to how much nicotine you consume while using these alternative smoking devices we know as electronic cigarettes.

Avoid Electronic Cigarette Nicotine Overdosing

E Cig Nicotine Overdose

Most e cigarette devices today have a shut off mechanism to help you avoid nicotine over consumption if you are puffing away too quickly, but some do not unfortunately.

Nicotine is very powerful and addictive, that is a fact. The problem lies is the habitual part of the smoking experience, a tobacco cigarette has smoke burning from it’s tip and for some reason it helps us refrain from sucking all the smoke out of it way to fast. I have found in my own experience that I do smoke these ecigarettes fast, hence the buzzed headache I received the other day.

  • Maybe it is just me but I find myself not slowly enjoying the vaping process as I speed through it for some reason. This is known as “chain vaping” and it can be a form of addiction (in my opinion only).

So the point of this post is just to make you aware of nicotine over consumption and to NOT nicotine overdose on yourself as it can easily happen if you are not aware. One person has told me that they smoked this thing until the battery went dead and the nicotine cartridge went dry, whoa! Take it easy out there folks, ecigs are not toys and should be taken very seriously so the can be enjoyed fully.

So far, I love having these as alternatives to smoking cigarettes, but need to relax and take it easy. There certainly is an adjustment that needs to be made when switching over from tobacco cigarettes to electronic cigarettes.

E Cigarettes are Alternatives to Smoking

Well here is something I should mention, most brands of ecigarettes do not have a shut of mechanism as I have found out myself when I chain vaped while watching my favorite TV show “Dexter”.

Yeah, if you smoke it out to fast! ecigs are supposed to be cost effective, the problem is that a full nicotine cartridge equals about a pack and half of cigarettes! It is easy to not pay attention how much you are smoking (or vaping) because you have not ever gave it thought.

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The analog cig burned down and you always end up throwing it on the floor and step on it or flick it out the car window… Wait, I’m only kidding cause us smokers dispose of our cigarettes properly right? c’mon right? Good!

Avoid Overdosing on Nicotine

  • YOU need to pay attention and be mindful of how much you are vaping on these electronic cigarettes or you will feel kind of buzzy and dizzy. Stop at once if you feel off in any way. When you’re sitting on the couch you won’t notice that you’ve consumed too much nicotine until you get up. Been there, done that.

In the end, it is your responsibility to pay attention to how much you are vaping.

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