Benefits of Vapor Cigarettes
You know it is been about 15 years since electronic cigarettes have hit the scene. And there have been a lot of electronic cigarette companies that have also burst onto the scene selling the their own version of the electric cigarette with flavor cartridges and so forth. So which companies have lasted the test of time?
As an affiliate of many electronic cigarette companies I can tell you that only a handful have survived and actually keep on bringing in sales. There have been some others that come out and are good, but I guess have disappeared because of bad business practices or because their billing system did not cooperate with them or for whatever reason. Federal regulations as well as state regulations have not helped either.
So let’s talk about some vapor cigarette reviews I have read over on the Internet as well as one of my own.
There used to be Green Smoke and Blu Cigs back in 2011. Having actually tried the product and experimented with other ones I can tell you that they were not the perfect electronic cigarette, but Green smoke was superior imho.
Top Benefits of Vapor Cigarettes:
- No More Smoker’s Breath
- No More Offensive Smoke
- No Ash
- No Fire / No Flame
- Cheaper than Cigarettes
- More Cost Effective
No waste (cigarette butts)
- Less Waste
- Alternative Way to Smoke
- Alternative to Smoking
- Non –intrusive
- Smoke More Freely
- Smoke “almost” Anywhere
- No Social Stigmas
- Provides an Authentic Smoking Experience
To be honest and in my opinion only, I prefer Green Smoke over Blue Cigs just because I like the extra weight of the green smoke electric cigarette. And probably most important is that their tobacco flavor really has a good hit and you can really feel like you are tasting an actual cigarette opposed to a phony cigarette disguised with cheap water flavored vapor.
So if you’re interested in trying out smokeless cigarettes, I encourage you to do so. The only way to know if these can be an alternative smoking source for your regular cigarettes is to actually try them out and try all the different flavors too, but I prefer just the plain tobacco. Otherwise what’s the point?
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If you visit the link above you will save up to 40% off your first electronic cigarette starter kit.