Gave Up Tobacco via Electronic Cigarettes

When I first started out trying new methods to alternative smoking there were the familiar nicotine gum, patches, and those God awful nicotine inhalers that were just plain silly. My goal was not to quit smoking but to not do it as much due to it’s proven bad health habits.

Electronic Cigarette

However nothing really satisfied me as the electronic cigarette does, it gave me the almost same experience as smoking a regular (analog) tobacco cigarette. I inhale and poof, there is smoke (which is water vapor) and a flavor that is so uncanny to tobacco it still freaks me out. Was not expecting this when I got my first electronic cigarette starter kit, I thought it was going to be a joke.

Tobacco Cigarettes vs Electronic Cigarettes

What I have noticed, (remember this is my personal experience) is that I have literally lost the taste for traditional tobacco cigarettes. The ecigarette provided me a great alternative to smoking cigarettes as it helped me cut way back on smoking, but still I enjoyed the real thing once a day or so, but not so much now. Taking a drag from a cigarette makes me go “blaaahhh” and I tend to spit, which I never did before all while the real smoke chocking me. Never thought this would happen. I always considered myself a mans man who smokes real tobacco, grrrr. But, isn’t that the perception tobacco companies have instilled in our heads over the years? Time to wake up and think for yourself.

It can be compared to switching to diet cola then drinking the regular cola after being used to “diet”. The taste is not the same, and it just does not appeal to you anymore. The situation is the same, I have gotten used to the flavored nicotine vapor of an electric cigarette that smoking a real cig is not enjoyable anymore, strange but true.

Taste the Ecigarette Difference

Even more weird is that I enjoy a good cigar a lot more now, the flavor really pops as it never did before when I was smoking tobacco cigarettes. Not to mention food taste better, which can be a bad thing for a guy with a big appetite like me! This is why I stick with the tobacco flavor nicotine cartridge, the other fufu flavors just make me hungry. I use eJuice to refill the nicotine cartridges instead ordering new ones as I want the freshest vapor and most flavor you can get, and eJuice delivers! The Green Smoke atomizer lasts a long time, don’t let the disposable factor mislead you, it can be used over and over and can tell when it goes bad buy a burnt taste or it just don’t work anymore.

E-Cigarette and Complications

After all, this sounds like good news yeah? Pretty much but these e-cigarettes do have their drawbacks including the batteries dying out at inconvenient times, breaking them due to careless clumsiness, or smoking them way too much as to bring on electronic cigarette nicotine overdose. You don’t want that, so that is why when nicotine is being over consumed, the ecigarette will just shut itself off. Cigarettes burn out, electronic cigarettes do not, that is why you need to pay attention to how much nicotine you are consuming.

Alas, I have not smoked a cigarette in over 8 years and quite frankly do not desire too. I did not set out to quit, but it looks like it just happened. I miss it strangely enough and can not stand someone else’s second hand smoke. The ecigs are much more cost effective and with the money I save, I can now buy more pizza… Have gave up smoking tobacco cigarettes entirely.

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