Welcome to Our Site!
Just wanted to welcome you to our website on electronic cigars!
This e cigar reviews website “electriccigars.net” started in 2012 and ran for a few years, then took a break for a while, and now it’s back for 2025 and beyond.
We are ecig enthusiasts and are passionate about the vaping community and will be keeping a close eye on where legislation is going to take it. Each city, county, state, and country is different with how they pass laws regarding vaping, some need education about electronic cigarettes and cigars desperately as they are making some silly decisions that benefits no one.
See this link to buy electronic cigarettes and e cigars.
Stay tuned to this news posts feed for updates pertaining to the electronic cigarette industry as well as what’s new in the e-cigar world. This is just the beginning as more flavors of the best cigars will switch over to electric and become available.
This opens the door for folks who want to enjoy a good cigar, but want more options and alternatives to the real thing that has it’s own complications (like an angry wife!) which is much hassle to deal with. Even veteran cigar aficionados may make the switch?
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Doesn’t hurt to give one a try, you may just like them better…
– Staff